Protea Realty

DiPasarkan Rumah 2Lt Full Furnished di Townhouse Kota Cirebon



DiPasarkan Rumah 2Lt Full Furnished di Townhouse Kota Cirebon

Lokasi :
Setiabudi Kesambi Cirebon

Deskripsi :
Lt. 150 m2
Lb. 120 m2
4KT (KT Utama + KM)

Legalitas :

Fasilitas lain :
Listrik 3500VA
Gas Alam PGN
Air PDAM + suction pump + toren + booster pump

Full Furnished :
1. sofa
2. bed lengkap
3. kitchen set
4. meja bar
5. meja kerja dll
6. Full Elektronik : 3 AC, 2 TV, sound speaker
7. Sdh ada wifi/TV kabel indohome
8. Kulkas 2 pintu
9. Stove
10. Dispenser

Advantage Building :
1. Siap pakai tanpa perlu ada renov atau beli furniture/elektronik
2. Bebas banjir

Selling point :
1. Townhouse Cluster
2. One Gate system
3. Dekat ke sekolah international
4. Dekat ke Pusat Kuliner n perbelanjaan
5. Dekat dg pusat kota cirebon



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